Salman Khan, who was last seen in Tiger 3 alongside Katrina Kaif, is gearing up for the release of the upcoming film, Sikandar. Salman is playing dual roles in AR Murgadoss’ directorial and will perform action scenes in it. Reportedly, he is working with the action directors of Tom Cruise-starrer Mission Impossible. Now, according to the latest development of Sikandar, it is being reported that Salman will shoot for three action sequences along with an aerial scene in its next schedule.
According to a latest report by MidDay, AR Murgadoss is planning to execute three fight sequences in the upcoming schedule of Salman Khan-starre Sikandar. The next shooting schedule is said to be a crucial leg which will begin from August 26 at Chitrakoot Grounds in Mumbai.
The report further states that Murgadoss will have these action sequences with high-intensity stunts. The director is planning to mount them on a grand scale.
As per a source, the first sequence features an aerial action scene in which Salman will be “suspended from a height” and will engage in hand-to-hand combat. “Its choreography will blend aerial acrobatics with close-quarters combat,” the source added. The scene in discussion will also have special effects and is likely to be one of the most visually stunning elements of Salman’s film.
Earlier, it was reported that the makers of Sikandar are shooting an action sequence starting on August 22, for which they ordered nearly 10,000 bullets and pistols. It will be a 40-day long shoot schedule. The team wrapped up the first schedule of Salman Khan-starrer on July 1.
Rumor has it that Salman will collaborate with the stunt directors of the Hollywood film series, Mission Impossible for action sequences in Sikandar. Reportedly, the directors will design huge action sequences for the superstar in the action-packed thriller.
Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala under the banner of Nadiadwala Grandson, Sikandar will be released on Eid 2025. Salman announced the film on the occasion of Eid this year on Instagram. The upcoming movie also features Rashmika Mandanna who is paired with Salman. Suniel Shetty and Prateik Babbar will play crucial roles in the film.
Salman Khan, who was last seen in Tiger 3 alongside Katrina Kaif, is gearing up for the release of the upcoming film, Sikandar. Salman is playing dual roles in AR Murgadoss’ directorial and will perform action scenes in it. Reportedly, he is working with the action directors of Tom Cruise-starrer Mission Impossible. Now, according to the latest development of Sikandar, it is being reported that Salman will shoot for three action sequences along with an aerial scene in its next schedule.
According to a latest report by MidDay, AR Murgadoss is planning to execute three fight sequences in the upcoming schedule of Salman Khan-starre Sikandar. The next shooting schedule is said to be a crucial leg which will begin from August 26 at Chitrakoot Grounds in Mumbai.
The report further states that Murgadoss will have these action sequences with high-intensity stunts. The director is planning to mount them on a grand scale.
As per a source, the first sequence features an aerial action scene in which Salman will be “suspended from a height” and will engage in hand-to-hand combat. “Its choreography will blend aerial acrobatics with close-quarters combat,” the source added. The scene in discussion will also have special effects and is likely to be one of the most visually stunning elements of Salman’s film.
Earlier, it was reported that the makers of Sikandar are shooting an action sequence starting on August 22, for which they ordered nearly 10,000 bullets and pistols. It will be a 40-day long shoot schedule. The team wrapped up the first schedule of Salman Khan-starrer on July 1.
Rumor has it that Salman will collaborate with the stunt directors of the Hollywood film series, Mission Impossible for action sequences in Sikandar. Reportedly, the directors will design huge action sequences for the superstar in the action-packed thriller.
Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala under the banner of Nadiadwala Grandson, Sikandar will be released on Eid 2025. Salman announced the film on the occasion of Eid this year on Instagram. The upcoming movie also features Rashmika Mandanna who is paired with Salman. Suniel Shetty and Prateik Babbar will play crucial roles in the film.