Fakt Purusho Maate directed by Jay Bodas and Parth Trivedi and starring Yash Soni, Mitra Gadhvi, Esha Kansara and Darshan Jariwala with a special appearance of Amitabh Bachchan had taken a very slow start at the box office of around Rs 45 lakh net. Fakt Purusho Maate seemed to lack the excitement that most recent hit Gujarati films have but that didn’t happen to be the case as the movie saw a huge growth over the weekend and saw some consolidation on first Monday as well, setting it up for a steady run ahead.
Fakt Purusho Maate Shows Strong Momentum Following Janmashtami Holiday
Fakt Purusho Maate saw a low 30 percent growth on first Saturday but on Sunday, it grew by a staggering 130 percent, to collect Rs 1.60 crore. The Janmashtami impact is huge in Gujarat and the same reflected in the collections of the film. On first Monday, the movie has collected Rs 1.05 crore, a number much higher than the collections registered by the film on its first and second day, combined. The 4 day cume of Fakt Purusho Maate stands at Rs 3.70 crore net and the first week should be slightly over Rs 5 crore.Â
Fakt Purusho Maate Now Leads Recent Successful Gujarati Films After A Relatively Lower Start
It’s still not clear what the word of mouth of Fakt Purusho Maate is like but it shall be known with the hold over the next few days. For now, the four day total of the movie is higher than recent successful Gujarati films like Jhamkudi and Trisha On The Rocks. To note, the Yash Soni starrer was lagging behind both these movies on the first and second day.
The Day Wise Net Collections Of Fakt Purusho Maate Are As Under
Day | India Net Collections |
1 | Rs 45 lakh |
2 | Rs 60 lakh |
3 | Rs 1.60 crore |
4 | Rs 1.05 crore |
Total | Rs 3.70 crore net in 4 days in India |
Fakt Purusho Maate In Theatres
Fakt Purusho Maate plays at a theatre near you. Have you watched the movie yet? If yes, what do you feel about it? Do let us know and stay tuned to Pinkvilla for more box office updates on the films of India.
ALSO READ:Â Fakt Purusho Maate Box Office Collections Day 1: Yash Soni starrer takes a dismal start of Rs 40 lakh net
Fakt Purusho Maate directed by Jay Bodas and Parth Trivedi and starring Yash Soni, Mitra Gadhvi, Esha Kansara and Darshan Jariwala with a special appearance of Amitabh Bachchan had taken a very slow start at the box office of around Rs 45 lakh net. Fakt Purusho Maate seemed to lack the excitement that most recent hit Gujarati films have but that didn’t happen to be the case as the movie saw a huge growth over the weekend and saw some consolidation on first Monday as well, setting it up for a steady run ahead.
Fakt Purusho Maate Shows Strong Momentum Following Janmashtami Holiday
Fakt Purusho Maate saw a low 30 percent growth on first Saturday but on Sunday, it grew by a staggering 130 percent, to collect Rs 1.60 crore. The Janmashtami impact is huge in Gujarat and the same reflected in the collections of the film. On first Monday, the movie has collected Rs 1.05 crore, a number much higher than the collections registered by the film on its first and second day, combined. The 4 day cume of Fakt Purusho Maate stands at Rs 3.70 crore net and the first week should be slightly over Rs 5 crore.Â
Fakt Purusho Maate Now Leads Recent Successful Gujarati Films After A Relatively Lower Start
It’s still not clear what the word of mouth of Fakt Purusho Maate is like but it shall be known with the hold over the next few days. For now, the four day total of the movie is higher than recent successful Gujarati films like Jhamkudi and Trisha On The Rocks. To note, the Yash Soni starrer was lagging behind both these movies on the first and second day.
The Day Wise Net Collections Of Fakt Purusho Maate Are As Under
Day | India Net Collections |
1 | Rs 45 lakh |
2 | Rs 60 lakh |
3 | Rs 1.60 crore |
4 | Rs 1.05 crore |
Total | Rs 3.70 crore net in 4 days in India |
Fakt Purusho Maate In Theatres
Fakt Purusho Maate plays at a theatre near you. Have you watched the movie yet? If yes, what do you feel about it? Do let us know and stay tuned to Pinkvilla for more box office updates on the films of India.
ALSO READ:Â Fakt Purusho Maate Box Office Collections Day 1: Yash Soni starrer takes a dismal start of Rs 40 lakh net