Arijit Singh’s soulful singing has taken over the industry since the last decade, and with several chart-topping songs, he continues to win hearts. Recently, popular rapper Ikka opened up about the singer and revealed some unknown details about Arijit Singh’s simple and humble lifestyle. He also recalled an incident when he was given a Duplex house in Mumbai to perform for 1.5 hours at a wedding that highlights his status in the music world.Â
Nowadays, most interviews with singers and rappers are incomplete without discussing Arijit Singh‘s work and success. Similarly, rapper Ikka discussed the Tum Hi Ho singer’s lifestyle in his recent conversation on the Honestly Saying Podcast.
Singh, known for his simple and private image, doesn’t live a celebrity lifestyle despite being at the peak of success in the music industry. He is one of the highest-paid singers in the music industry, yet he prefers to live a normal lifestyle without anything flashy.Â
Rapper Ikka and his fellow rapper Raftaar praised this quality of the singer. They mentioned he has ‘crazy’ earnings and that the singer earns more than many other singers and rappers in the country yet prefers modesty. He recalled an incident where Arijit received a duplex apartment in Mumbai as payment for performing at a wedding because he generally doesn’t like to sing at weddings.Â
He recounted, “He doesn’t like doing wedding performances. Somebody insisted that he perform. In return, he took a duplex house in Mumbai. One should check how much a duplex house costs in Mumbai. He got that for a 1-1.5-hour performance.”
Sharing an incident, the rapper shared that once, when the Jhoome Jo Pathaan singer did a show and had to leave, his car took time to arrive, so he took an auto rickshaw and went home without any tantrums.Â
For those unaware, Arijit Singh began his career when he participated in the reality show Fame Gurukul in 2005. Singh made his Hindi cinema debut in 2011 with the song Phir Mohabbat for Murder 2, that was recorded in 2009, and has gone on to sing more than 400 songs in different languages.Â
Arijit Singh’s soulful singing has taken over the industry since the last decade, and with several chart-topping songs, he continues to win hearts. Recently, popular rapper Ikka opened up about the singer and revealed some unknown details about Arijit Singh’s simple and humble lifestyle. He also recalled an incident when he was given a Duplex house in Mumbai to perform for 1.5 hours at a wedding that highlights his status in the music world.Â
Nowadays, most interviews with singers and rappers are incomplete without discussing Arijit Singh‘s work and success. Similarly, rapper Ikka discussed the Tum Hi Ho singer’s lifestyle in his recent conversation on the Honestly Saying Podcast.
Singh, known for his simple and private image, doesn’t live a celebrity lifestyle despite being at the peak of success in the music industry. He is one of the highest-paid singers in the music industry, yet he prefers to live a normal lifestyle without anything flashy.Â
Rapper Ikka and his fellow rapper Raftaar praised this quality of the singer. They mentioned he has ‘crazy’ earnings and that the singer earns more than many other singers and rappers in the country yet prefers modesty. He recalled an incident where Arijit received a duplex apartment in Mumbai as payment for performing at a wedding because he generally doesn’t like to sing at weddings.Â
He recounted, “He doesn’t like doing wedding performances. Somebody insisted that he perform. In return, he took a duplex house in Mumbai. One should check how much a duplex house costs in Mumbai. He got that for a 1-1.5-hour performance.”
Sharing an incident, the rapper shared that once, when the Jhoome Jo Pathaan singer did a show and had to leave, his car took time to arrive, so he took an auto rickshaw and went home without any tantrums.Â
For those unaware, Arijit Singh began his career when he participated in the reality show Fame Gurukul in 2005. Singh made his Hindi cinema debut in 2011 with the song Phir Mohabbat for Murder 2, that was recorded in 2009, and has gone on to sing more than 400 songs in different languages.Â