Bollywood veteran actress Sharmila Tagore managed to rule millions of hearts with her infectious smile. She worked with Rajesh Khanna, Shashi Kapoor, Dev Anand, Dharmendra, Uttam Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar and more stars. Her on-screen chemistry with the stars made fans fall for them. Sharmila’s jodi with Shashi Kapoor and Rajesh Khanna was a superhit during the 70s.
Sharmila Tagore made her Bollywood debut with the 1964 film Kashmir Ki Kali. Did you know, Sharmila was not the first choice of the makers? Yes, initially the film was offered to Asha Parekh and after the actress rejected it, Kashmir Ki Kali went to Sharmila.
Sharmila worked with Shashi Kapoor in 9 films including Aa Gale Lag Jaa, Maa Beti, Waqt, Aamne Samne, Swati, Door Desh, Anari, Paap Punya. The actress fell in love with the actor, while working on films with him. Sharmila revealed in her interview that she had a crush on Shashi. Within no time, Sharmila became one of the most expenive heroines with the support of Rajesh Khanna. During 1966-1969, Sharmila was the highest-paid actress along with Mumtaz.
Apart from these two beauties, Nanda and Waheeda Rehman were also quite popular in Bollywood. Despite working with superhit actors, Sharmila married cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi. She converted to Islam to marry a cricketer who belonged to the Muslim religion. Sharmila’s name reportedly changed to Ayesha Begum. The two became parents to Saif Ali Khan, Soha Ali Khan and Saba Ali Khan. As per media reports, Sharmila is the daughter-in-law of the Nawab family who is the owner of property worth 2700 crores.
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