Millie Bobby Brown and Chris Pratt teamed up for an upcoming Robot-apocalyptic drama, The Electric State. The film centers around a teenager, Michelle (Brown), and her robot friend who join a wanderer (Pratt) to track down the girl’s missing younger brother who was lost after the human vs. machine rebellion.
“Right now, all of us have something in common,” the Stranger Things actress says in the trailer. “We all lost something after the rebellion. Robots lost their freedom. Humans lost connection with each other. And I lost everyone I loved — or so I thought.”
The sci-fi film directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo is based on author Simon Stalenhag’s 2018 eponymous novel. Penned by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the movie’s cast is rounded out with Ke Huy Quan, Jason Alexander, Woody Norman, Giancarlo Esposito, and Stanley Tucci.
According to the official logline, the movie revolves around “Michelle, an orphaned teenager navigating life in a society where sentient robots resembling cartoons and mascots, who once served peacefully among humans, now live in exile following a failed uprising.”
Michelle’s beliefs about the world took a 360-degree turn after she encountered Cosmo, a sweet, mysterious robot who appears to be controlled by Christopher, her genius younger brother who she thought had died in the apocalypse.
After realizing that he could be alive, she sets out across the American Southwest with Cosmo, along with Pratt’s character. In October, the Guardians of the Galaxy actor attended a panel discussion at New York Comic Con and spoke about his emotional connection to the screenplay.
“It’s not the kind of thing that typically gets made to be a blockbuster-style movie like this. It’s so original; it’s a huge swing,” he said. Pratt admitted that he thought this film could be his last big banner film and didn’t want to miss the opportunity. “I have to look at every opportunity like that. And I did. It’s just such a great story. I was moved to tears reading,” Pratt added.
The Electric State will be released in theaters on 14 March 2025.
Millie Bobby Brown and Chris Pratt teamed up for an upcoming Robot-apocalyptic drama, The Electric State. The film centers around a teenager, Michelle (Brown), and her robot friend who join a wanderer (Pratt) to track down the girl’s missing younger brother who was lost after the human vs. machine rebellion.
“Right now, all of us have something in common,” the Stranger Things actress says in the trailer. “We all lost something after the rebellion. Robots lost their freedom. Humans lost connection with each other. And I lost everyone I loved — or so I thought.”
The sci-fi film directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo is based on author Simon Stalenhag’s 2018 eponymous novel. Penned by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the movie’s cast is rounded out with Ke Huy Quan, Jason Alexander, Woody Norman, Giancarlo Esposito, and Stanley Tucci.
According to the official logline, the movie revolves around “Michelle, an orphaned teenager navigating life in a society where sentient robots resembling cartoons and mascots, who once served peacefully among humans, now live in exile following a failed uprising.”
Michelle’s beliefs about the world took a 360-degree turn after she encountered Cosmo, a sweet, mysterious robot who appears to be controlled by Christopher, her genius younger brother who she thought had died in the apocalypse.
After realizing that he could be alive, she sets out across the American Southwest with Cosmo, along with Pratt’s character. In October, the Guardians of the Galaxy actor attended a panel discussion at New York Comic Con and spoke about his emotional connection to the screenplay.
“It’s not the kind of thing that typically gets made to be a blockbuster-style movie like this. It’s so original; it’s a huge swing,” he said. Pratt admitted that he thought this film could be his last big banner film and didn’t want to miss the opportunity. “I have to look at every opportunity like that. And I did. It’s just such a great story. I was moved to tears reading,” Pratt added.
The Electric State will be released in theaters on 14 March 2025.