Directed by Bala, Vanangaan has been running in theaters for two days. Starring Arun Vijay, the Tamil film was released on January 10, 2025, coinciding with the Makar Sankranthi/Pongal weekend. Also featuring Roshini Prakash, Vanangaan has been experiencing a decent business in Tamil Nadu markets.
Vanangaan Records Rs 1.25 Crore In Tamil Nadu On Day 2
Vanangaan opened to Rs 1 crore gross on the first day (Friday) at the Tamil Nadu box office. A day later, Arun Vijay-starrer witnessed a rise of Rs 25 lakh gross in the earnings. On Day 2, the Tamil film collected Rs 1.25 gross in the home state.
It has grossed Rs 2.25 crore as its two-day business in Tamil Nadu.
Two-Days Earnings Of Vanangaan Are Listed Below:
Days |  Gross Collections In Tamil Nadu |
 Day 1 | Rs 1 crore |
Day 2 | Rs 1.25 crore |
Total |  Rs 2.25 crore in two days |
Vanangaan Is At Loggerheads With Madraskaaran; To Face Competition With Madha Gaja Raja And More
As far as Indian box office is concerned, Vanangaan clashed with Telugu film, Game Changer and Hindi movie, Fateh on Friday. Its rival release, Madraskaaran, also hit the screens on the same day. Other Tamil movies which are also scheduled to be released in January, 2025 are Madha Gaja Raja, Nesippaya, and Kadhalikka Neramillai. Their release dates are falling in the Sankranthi weekend.
Suriya Was Initially Chosen As A Lead In Bala’s Film
Speaking of Vanangaan, Tamil actor Suriya was initially supposed to play the lead in Bala’s helmer. However, he later opted out from the film, with the director citing their mutual agreement after changes in the storyline.
The occasion of Pongal may help the film grow its domestic business in the coming days. Let’s wait and watch.
Vanangaan In Theaters
Vanangaan is running in cinemas near you. Are you planning to watch Arun Vijay-starrer?
Disclaimer: The box office figures are compiled from various sources and our research. The figures can be approximate, and Pinkvilla does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data. However, they are adequately indicative of the box-office performance of the films in question.
Directed by Bala, Vanangaan has been running in theaters for two days. Starring Arun Vijay, the Tamil film was released on January 10, 2025, coinciding with the Makar Sankranthi/Pongal weekend. Also featuring Roshini Prakash, Vanangaan has been experiencing a decent business in Tamil Nadu markets.
Vanangaan Records Rs 1.25 Crore In Tamil Nadu On Day 2
Vanangaan opened to Rs 1 crore gross on the first day (Friday) at the Tamil Nadu box office. A day later, Arun Vijay-starrer witnessed a rise of Rs 25 lakh gross in the earnings. On Day 2, the Tamil film collected Rs 1.25 gross in the home state.
It has grossed Rs 2.25 crore as its two-day business in Tamil Nadu.
Two-Days Earnings Of Vanangaan Are Listed Below:
Days |  Gross Collections In Tamil Nadu |
 Day 1 | Rs 1 crore |
Day 2 | Rs 1.25 crore |
Total |  Rs 2.25 crore in two days |
Vanangaan Is At Loggerheads With Madraskaaran; To Face Competition With Madha Gaja Raja And More
As far as Indian box office is concerned, Vanangaan clashed with Telugu film, Game Changer and Hindi movie, Fateh on Friday. Its rival release, Madraskaaran, also hit the screens on the same day. Other Tamil movies which are also scheduled to be released in January, 2025 are Madha Gaja Raja, Nesippaya, and Kadhalikka Neramillai. Their release dates are falling in the Sankranthi weekend.
Suriya Was Initially Chosen As A Lead In Bala’s Film
Speaking of Vanangaan, Tamil actor Suriya was initially supposed to play the lead in Bala’s helmer. However, he later opted out from the film, with the director citing their mutual agreement after changes in the storyline.
The occasion of Pongal may help the film grow its domestic business in the coming days. Let’s wait and watch.
Vanangaan In Theaters
Vanangaan is running in cinemas near you. Are you planning to watch Arun Vijay-starrer?
Disclaimer: The box office figures are compiled from various sources and our research. The figures can be approximate, and Pinkvilla does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data. However, they are adequately indicative of the box-office performance of the films in question.