Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma’s iconic film Satya was recently re-released in theaters, marking its return to the big screen after 27 years. Starring Manoj Bajpayee and Urmila Matondkar, the movie has attained cult classic status in Indian cinema. The actress recently also addressed rumors regarding a speculated fallout with Ram Gopal Varma. She said, “There is no such thing as we stopped working. There was no fallout between RGV and me.”
In an interview with Bombay Times, Urmila Matondkar addressed the rumors of a fallout with Satya director Ram Gopal Varma, stating that there was never any issue between them.
She clarified that they never stopped working together and emphasized that there was no fallout. Urmila also mentioned that she had appeared in special songs in his films such as Company and Ram Gopal Varma Ki Aag.
Urmila expressed that Ram Gopal Varma is one of the finest filmmakers in the industry. She also shared that Sriram Raghavan, Madhu Mantena, and Anurag Kashyap attended the screening of Satya’s re-release, as all of them had begun their careers with RGV in the industry.
“He is an institution in cinema. I am proud of the work I have done with Ram Gopal Varma. If the right opportunity comes along, I would love to collaborate with Manoj Bajpayee and Ramuji again,” added Matondkar.
The actress further shared that while Rangeela catapulted her to stardom, Satya taught her to unlearn much of what she had previously known.
She mentioned that in the 1998 film, she was the only recognizable face, while the rest of the cast were ‘talented newcomers.’ Urmila revealed that Ram Gopal Varma believed in her ability to bring the character to life.
Discussing her role, Urmila explained that her character, Vidya, had no individual identity and was only significant because she was Satya’s neighbor. She described stepping back into the “girl-next-door” persona as a major challenge.
Recalling her preparation, Urmila mentioned that she used her mother’s old saris, which were about to be discarded, as they seemed perfect for the role.
Satya also starred Manoj Bajpayee, JD Chakravarthy, Paresh Rawal, Saurabh Shukla, and Shefali Shah in pivotal roles.
Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma’s iconic film Satya was recently re-released in theaters, marking its return to the big screen after 27 years. Starring Manoj Bajpayee and Urmila Matondkar, the movie has attained cult classic status in Indian cinema. The actress recently also addressed rumors regarding a speculated fallout with Ram Gopal Varma. She said, “There is no such thing as we stopped working. There was no fallout between RGV and me.”
In an interview with Bombay Times, Urmila Matondkar addressed the rumors of a fallout with Satya director Ram Gopal Varma, stating that there was never any issue between them.
She clarified that they never stopped working together and emphasized that there was no fallout. Urmila also mentioned that she had appeared in special songs in his films such as Company and Ram Gopal Varma Ki Aag.
Urmila expressed that Ram Gopal Varma is one of the finest filmmakers in the industry. She also shared that Sriram Raghavan, Madhu Mantena, and Anurag Kashyap attended the screening of Satya’s re-release, as all of them had begun their careers with RGV in the industry.
“He is an institution in cinema. I am proud of the work I have done with Ram Gopal Varma. If the right opportunity comes along, I would love to collaborate with Manoj Bajpayee and Ramuji again,” added Matondkar.
The actress further shared that while Rangeela catapulted her to stardom, Satya taught her to unlearn much of what she had previously known.
She mentioned that in the 1998 film, she was the only recognizable face, while the rest of the cast were ‘talented newcomers.’ Urmila revealed that Ram Gopal Varma believed in her ability to bring the character to life.
Discussing her role, Urmila explained that her character, Vidya, had no individual identity and was only significant because she was Satya’s neighbor. She described stepping back into the “girl-next-door” persona as a major challenge.
Recalling her preparation, Urmila mentioned that she used her mother’s old saris, which were about to be discarded, as they seemed perfect for the role.
Satya also starred Manoj Bajpayee, JD Chakravarthy, Paresh Rawal, Saurabh Shukla, and Shefali Shah in pivotal roles.