Everyone was left shocked when an intruder attacked Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra residence on January 16. The man broke in, but Saif, in a brave attempt to protect his son Jeh, showed no qualms in risking his life. Unfortunately, during the scuffle, Saif was stabbed six times. The actor was rushed to Lilavati Hospital and had to undergo surgery immediately. According to reports, it was Taimur who had accompanied his father in an auto and rushed him to the Lilavati Hospital. Taimur’s courage at the age of eight has left netizens impressed.
Now Taimur Ali Khan’s former nanny, Lalita D’Silva, has also reacted to the 8-year-old’s act of courage. In an interview, Lalilta said she is shocked to know that Taimur took his father to the hospital. “At his age, the child’s mindset is so strong, that’s unimaginable,” the nanny told India Today. Lalita was also asked if there were any cameras installed in the house during her tenure. The former nanny revealed that there were cameras in Taimur’s room when she used to work with the family. However, she isn’t aware of the present status.
“I have no idea about where he came from or how he entered. It is really a surprise. How will anybody know that he is entering or that he’s going to do such things? There are many officers coming and going for work. You’ve seen the building outside. I don’t know how he could have entered,” Lalita added.
In the same interaction, Taimur’s nanny praised Saif Ali Khan for his fearless nature, compared him with a lion and called him a true Nawab. Lalita stated that Taimur – much like his father Saif – has a strong personality and will be as daring and courageous as him. “His parents are very strong-minded. Kareena madam is also a very strong-headed lady; she is so disciplined, and she is so strong,” Lalita concluded.
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